o w n l
o a d
d o w n
l o a d
p r e r e q u i s i t e s
- Hardware accelerated OpenGL and GLU
- Simple Direct Media Layer version 1.1.6 or greater
- OpenAL and ALUT
- SDL Mixer is an alternative
- glpng
- FTGL version 2.1.3 or greater
- Gothic Uralic font
- Any other TrueType font is an alternative
- fontconfig is optional and gives better flexibility in searching for the Gothic Uralic font
i n s t a l l
Download the source code.
Unpack the tarball.
Build the source ('./configure && make && sudo make install' should do
everything required)
d o w n l o a d
If you have
problems building Chromium, you can try downloading binaries at rpmfind.net.
Also, many distributions include Chromium, so you can probably find it
on your install CDs. Some audio drivers are having problems with the version
of OpenAL that is distributed with Chromium, so I plan to release a new
version that uses SDL_mixer by default when I get some time.
e x t r a s
Alternate Graphics - replace
the default data/png directory with one of these texture packs to give
Chromium a new look!
user contributed texture packs:
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